Insurance and other premiums are a drain on home economies. While some are wise investments, others are unwise charities. Protecting against catastrophic loss is a wise decision, while you live; however, via a livelier premium, Church structures require an alms extraction not sanctioned in modern timeliness. By any stretch, traditional ransoms to protect the soul after death are a bad investment.
Aside from questions of viability for the many thousands of branches, sects, and denominations in theist belief (disqualified by lack of unilateral purpose), how could rational thought hope to enhance omnipotence, omnipresence, or omniscience through human intervention?
If a Creator exists, who knows all, is everywhere, and has unlimited power, would such deity need any materialistic gift or benefit except abject subjection and submission? And how would consecrates know which of the many activities are acceptable? Sole requirement in the popular forum is belief! Yet, belief is an anomaly of the mind and subject to the quirks of geography, environment, and genetic assignment.
So, knowing our propensity to think differently and make all the wrong choices, let us examine the premium exacted for our commitment to secular or spiritual well-being. One such is an ordinance or ritual established forever but now discontinued amongst all Protestant groups--yet we continue to pay the premium.
As a benefit for the living, sometimes an Insurance policy pays less than expected; after all, the premiums are for Company coffers and not policyholder benefit - much like the Slot Machines in a Casino, which are there not to enrich patrons but to line the pockets of management: notwithstanding, Insurance policies are designed for profit and not protection.
By the same token, to reward the dead, a premium is exacted via the collection plate, but not for the benefit of Omnipotence, not a guaranty to heavenly bliss, but rather an agent to improve the lifestyle of golden-voiced evangelicals. Here, we come to the nitty-gritty, profit motive, and redistribution of your wealth. The promise expounded, as a scheme to fast talk your money into another's pocket, is an obsolete and misconstrued theology already lived and fulfilled. The collection plate benefits no one but the entity requesting funds.
In any scholarly discussion concerning the premium for our involvement, we need first to organize our thoughts, trivialize opinion, and conceptualize the 'for' and 'to' encountered in scriptural address. We must reasonably define 'for whom' Bible writers intended existing scripture and 'to whom' the spatiotemporal existentialism extended.
How Yahweh applies, in our present age, is wide-open to debate; indeed, can the presently adopted Biblical Age (Christian episodic interval) qualify or quantify as an inclusion to chosen peoples' cause? If so: Where can we find witnessing scripture for the Age of involvement? All Bible Ages included a beginning and end, including those designated eternal. If we live in a Biblical Age, can we pinpoint its beginning and predict its end, predicated on logic and syllogistic reasoning?
Daniel envisioned Ten Ages for completion of the God contract. Were you aware? What Age do you imagine for your own episodic interval? Are you paying a premium for nothing? It's time for serious thought! Advanced reasoning is available for those in need of an economic boost.
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