Tuesday, February 15, 2011

how to pull your insurance rates down - Insurance

When it comes to car insurance costs it's evident that most drivers are eager to learn about how to lower them. Sure, having the right amount of insurance is also very important, but when you're tight on cash and every dollar counts you might as well want to cut your costs this way. Moreover, a lot of drivers feel like they are forced to buy car insurance in the first place and want to keep these mandatory expenses to minimum. Sure, when you're obliged by law to buy something you start thinking how to get rid of it or at least make it less expensive. Some car owners choose to cross the line and drop car insurance altogether risking their driving license, vehicle and even freedom, depending on the state they are caught in. Sure, that's not the smartest thing to do if you don't want to have problems, moreover there are quite effective ways of lowering car insurance quotes without breaking the law. If you apply them correctly you may save quite a lot of money on auto insurance while still having the necessary coverage for your car. So here are some of the most effective ways to get competitive car insurance quotes:

Drive an insurance-friendly car

By insurance-friendly we mean a car that has all the necessary safety features, is not too fast and powerful, has good safety scores, low theft rates and is inexpensive to repair. Think of a mid-sized family car or sedan to get a general picture of such a vehicle. So if you're looking for low car insurance quotes for a luxury car or sports vehicle, you'll have a very hard time finding them (although, nothing is impossible).

Get all the discounts you can

Most insurance providers offer a wide range of discounts for different groups of drivers in order to encourage their low-risk status. For example, if you drive a low number of miles each year, then you may opt for low mileage discount. Drivers with good records and those who went to safety driving courses can also get lower premiums. Even buying different types of insurance products from the same insurer can give you lower car insurance quotes. So make sure to learn what discounts you may opt for before quoting.

Shop around before making a purchase

This is a very good tip for most types of purchases. Just like you shop around different dealers to get the best price on the car you want the same mechanism applies when it comes to car insurance quotes. Before making any purchase you should get as many car insurance quotes from different providers as you can and take some time to compare them. Each provider uses different algorithms for calculating their quotes and rates and you won't find two identical quotes for the same car among the provider you'll quote with. This means that if you get a fairly high car insurance quote with one provider chances are high that another provider will give you a more competitive quote. So when you're looking for car insurance quotes make sure to check all the available providers before coming to the final decision and making the purchase.

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