Sunday, February 13, 2011

Auto Insurance Comprehensive Coverage - Is It The Right Type Of Insurance Policy For You? - Insurance

Owning a car presupposes that in order to use it on the roads, some type of insurance coverage is needed. But the type of coverage needed is always dependent on circumstances. In this article I'll explore the benefits of auto insurance comprehensive coverage, as well as the instances when it's not needed. After reading you'll have a clear sense of whether this type of insurance policy is the right one for you.
Comprehensive Insurance - A Background
When you take out comprehensive insurance coverage on your car, you automatically protect yourself against a large swathe of potential mishaps that can happen to your car. Unlike Third Party insurance, comprehensive will restore not only a third party, but also your car to it's former glory.
The sort of things that comprehensive coverage will cover include: theft, fire, water damage, damage by animals, vandalism, public disturbances such as riots, and falling objects. This type of insurance coverage is not mandated by law, so getting it is heavily dependent on your circumstances. I'll cover that below...
Should You Get Comprehensive Coverage?
The main reason people get comprehensive coverage is to either protect some high inherent value of the car, or because it's necessary in order to get a lease or some type of loan to but the car. In general, cars that that are brand new, cost a lot of money and are susceptible to theft should be comprehensively insured. Not only will you get protection from the host of hazards mentioned above, you'll get the piece of mind in knowing that your loss can be restored.

If you recently acquired a lease on a car, or considering to get one, then in all likelihood, the lender will require that you get comprehensive insurance in order to protect their loan investment. On the flipside, comprehensive insurance is probably not for you if your car is an older one and not worth much, since the cost of coverage could easily exceed the value of the car.
There isn't a lot more to auto insurance comprehensive coverage, that you need to know before getting a policy. I will add before closing though that shopping online for your policy is the best approach. And here's why: online insurance providers are fiercely competitive and this usually drives down the end-cost of insurance for the consumer (you). This means that if you use an online provider, your quote could be up to 30% lower than you'd get from an offline provider.

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